
来自智利的非常罕见的熊猫长蚁。摄影:Chris Lukhaup

只有 3 只蜻蜓在闲逛。摄影:Aliona Shevtsova

蝴蝶和螳螂穿过一条路径。摄影:Fabien Bravin

你能在这张照片上看到毛毛虫吗?自然界最伟大的伪装大师之一。摄影:Conny Sandland

This is the incredible snapshot that appears to show an praying mantis riding off into the sunset on a bicycle. Photo by: Eco Suparman

The jumping spider family contains more than 500 described genera and about 5,000 described species, making it the largest family of spiders with about 13% of all species. Photo by: Thomas Shahan

The incredible and beautiful transparent Glasswing Butterfly. Photo by: Swamibu Farrukh

Close-up detailed photo of Moth face. Edemin Ramirez

Dragonfly covered with droplets of water. Photo by: David Chambon

这是用宏拍摄的蚂蚁的样子。摄影:Nicolas Reusens

Soldier Fly 头部微特写。摄影:Laurie Knight

雨后享受阳光的瓢虫。摄影:Jens Kolk


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